Your contribution
Can Help Feed
the Heroes
Feedthefightcanada.com and feedthefightusa.com is helping provide meals, personal protective equipment, appliances and other items to the Frontline Nurses, Doctors and those impacted the most by COVID-19. We are all in this together, and together we will overcome.
Our Goal
To help provide for those that are on the frontline, along with those that are faced with tragedy during these times. The goal started with 50 meals for 30 days to our hospitals and has quickly grown to be much more.
Our Services
Sourcing and delivering meals, products and anything needed to those fighting and risking their lives everyday to save ours . We will sustain our communities future by working with local restaurants and businesses.
Contact Us
We are only as strong as the support we give. If you are a restaurant, corporation, individual or a group that wants to help, please reach out to us vial email (CAN & USA): support@feedthefightcanada.com
About Feed The Fight Canada
Helping Create A Better Tomorrow, Today!
Who We Are
FEED THE FIGHT CANADA and FEED THE FIGHT USA is an initiative developed by Vancouver’s Regal ideas Inc, in response to the global pandemic that has affected all lives and communities across the globe. Without the long hours, dedication and sacrifice made by the nurses, doctors and frontline personnel, we would struggle to get back to a sense of normal.
Join us in saying THANK YOU to all those that keep our communities healthy.
Our Mission
To build strong communities by connecting the dots between restaurants, care facilities, hospitals, retailers and businesses in each community across Canada & USA.

What we Do

Work with volunteers within each community to provide support for our various FEED THE FIGHT CANADA initiatives.

Raise capital to allow us to purchase meals, protective medical equipment and other items needed by Frontline staff.

We are also looking for donations of masks, gloves, gowns, small appliances, that we can donate to hospitals, care facilities and shelters.
Every donation counts. Whether it is in dollars or products, your donations will go directly to those in need. All is publicly documented and shown across our many media channels. FEED THE FIGHT CANADA and FEED THE FIGHT USA along with our partners will cover all costs associated with the shipping and distribution of these items.
Our Ambassadors
We thank everyone that has helped us make a difference. Together we are better!
Mason SekURA
Our Ambassador
Builder / Celebrity
Wes kain
Speaker / Celebtity
Recording Artist/Song Writer
Brand Affiliate
Taco Del Mar – Shorline
Chris Palmer
Builder / Celebrity

Where Do The Donations Go?
All dollars raised and donations collected go towards purchasing of meals, masks, gowns, gloves and anything else identified as a product in need by the Frontline heroes. We have also purchased appliances and home goods for shelters and societies that help those displaced by COVID-19 (Watch for this story on our website). We operate with complete transparency so you know where every donation goes.
Along with helping the Frontline heroes, we are also supporting the local restaurants by partnering with them and purchasing meals for the hospitals and shelters. Our goal is for FEED THE FIGHT CANADA and FEED THE FIGHT USA to assist in every community across North America. In order to do this we need your help, whether its volunteering or donating.
We all need to do our part. Your help and generosity are needed now more than ever. So please show your support for our Frontline heroes and give what you can. A few dollars goes a long way.
We Want To Hear From You !
You can also email us at support@feedthefightcanada.com for partnership and volunteer opportunities in Canada and in the USA.
Our Latest Campaign Videos
Atira Women’s Society – Vancouver
Donation of microwaves given to Atira Womens Society to support new housing given to women in need.
St Pauls Hospital Support – Vancouver
Donation of KN95 masks sourced and given to the Frontline Nurses and Doctors at St Pauls Hospital.
Chicago Mercy Hospital – Donation
Musical artist Adam Emil joins the campaign and donates KN95 masks to the hardest hit hospital in Chicago.
Harborview Medical Center – Seattle
FTFUSA purchased meals from local restaurants, that were delivered to the Frontline workers at Harborview Medical.
St Pauls Hospital Thank You – Vancouver
Donation of KN95 masks continued at Vancouver’s St Pauls Hospital. Thank you to all the Frontline workers for everything you do!
Thank you from Wes Kain, Co-Star of The Vanilla Ice Project
Wes Kain and team joined the campaign to give back to the Frontline Nurses and Doctors putting their lives on the line to save ours.
Supporting Communities
Lets Make A Difference Together
Our Partners
A BIG Thank you to our friends that are making this possible!

We are so grateful to Regal Ideas for their support at this absolutely critical time and in particular their decision to support women who are marginalized by their experiences of violence and abuse, poverty, struggles with substance use and or mental wellness. I wish everyone could have seen the relief and peace on women’s faces when we delivered new microwaves that will enable them to heat food in their rooms and gives them the choice to stay home and self isolate, a choice most of us take for granted. Our work is hard right now, and so is the work of being poor. Bright moments are few and far between. Thank you Regal Ideas for giving us and the women we support 100 bright moments.
Contact Us
Contact us and let’s make a difference together!
7350 Wilson Avenue
Delta, British Columbia
V4G 1H3
Phone (CAN & USA)
(FX) 519-893-5889
Email (CAN & USA)
© Copyright 2020 FEED THE FIGHT CANADA | USA